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海龜救援小故事 Story of Saving a Sea Turtle

作為熱愛海洋的潛水員,等了又等的潛水旅行,總期待海裏能遇到的每一種生物。這次在菲律賓巴拉望Palawan, 以為平常不過的潛點,卻一次又一次遇上正受海洋垃圾危害生命的小海龜,也因為這拯救海龜的小舉動,為這次旅行留下了另類回憶。

Every divers' dream is to travel around the world to meet all kind of marine life underwater. At an usual dive site in the Philippines, Palawan, we met the same little turtle again and again. It's life was threatening by fishing line and so glad that we could saved it from danger. Leaving a special moment in our trip.




下潛不久,約在水深十米的時候,潛導 Omar 發現了海龜,其他人正在專心拍攝微距主題,於是我自己拿著魚眼鏡頭去拍攝海龜和背上的印魚。拍攝了兩三張之後,我在觀察一下海龜,竟然發現有魚絲纏住海龜的頸。於是我立刻拿出潛水剪刀同時找潛導幫忙,可是那時海龜已迅速游向大海方向。我們沒有辦法再追上,只好默默看著他游走,希望他沒事。Omar 比畫了一下,示意海龜可能會再游回來。

2 March 2018, it was a little story in the vast seas.

On the fifth day of our dive trip, before visiting dugong, we went Dimipac Island for our first dive of the day. This site is a sandy area with seaweed and coral clusters with maximum depth 10-14 m for this dive.

Soon we started our dive; Omar (local dive guide) first discovered the sea turtle and showed me the direction. While I was taking picture of it and sharksucker at its back, I realized that it was tangled by fishing lines at its neck. I took out my diving scissors and asked Omar for help. Unfortunately, it fled and swam to the deep.


誰不知,十分鐘之後 ... 竟然會再見到那一隻海龜。

當我在四處拍攝之際,Omar 忽然到了我的跟前,做了剪刀和捉住的手勢,我瞬間就意會到他的意思,然後回一個 OK,就跟著他一起全速前進。途中其他潛友見我們拿著剪刀高速前游,都加入了我們。在不遠處見到了牠,就伏在沙地之上。我們慢慢從後靠近,生怕驚動牠。Omar 從後面安定住牠。我捉住明顯的魚絲繩頭,希望可以解開它,不過魚絲實在纏得太緊,完全解不了。我只好再找辦法在中間剪斷,但魚絲又箍得很深,箍到頸部的皮膚下面。在拉扯魚絲的時候,我見到海龜的樣子很辛苦,都有點心酸。


最後,Omar 摸摸牠龜殼,希望牠平安,海龜就拍拍雙鰭,敏捷的游走了。那印魚還依然跟著牠呢。我內心有點激動,跟 Omar 大力的握了一下手,我們成功了!海龜,您自由了!


10 minutes later…

The sea turtle swam back to shallow area again!! We slowly approached it from its back. Then Omar tried to stable the sea turtle. The fishing lines were deeply tangled under its neck skin. It took me some time and effort to find the lines. The sea turtle looked painful and then it struggled. Its fin accidentally hit my mask to water leakage. After I cleared my mask, the sea turtle knew that we were saving it. It calmed downs and stayed still. Then I managed to find the fishing lines and cut it.

Finally it is FREE!!



Thank you my buddies and especially Omar. We are happy that we can help the sea turtle, but we also hope that there is less rubbish in the sea and no sea lives need to be saved. …

Notes: Omar is an experienced local guide. He knows how to stable a sea turtle. In normal situation, we should not touch sea lives when diving.



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