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眾裏尋刀千百度 - 赤刀魚 Finding Bandfish


眾裏尋刀千百度 驀然回首 魚群卻在 船底七米處


Searching for whole dive, turn out they were found just under our ship. Water was cold, but we could meet the 20 bandfish cluster, worth it! Young Bandfishes are fearless, they dont know what is danger. Even divers observe them closely, they still happily swim around their holes.When May comes, we cannot find them anymore, but only in videos. Hope we can meet them again next year.




Buddy 數了一下,有二十條呢!拍攝一會又會欣賞一下,有的在覓食,有的在清理洞穴,有的在來回舞動,可以觀賞一整天。最後是身體有點寒冷,氣量有點緊張,是時候跟牠們說聲再見,升水吧。

上年五月我們也是跟著 John 哥哥,經他指點才第一次看到赤刀,那時候的赤刀長大了,害怕人,常躲在洞裏。今次的還是幼魚,初生之犢,未懂害怕,我們在旁邊也活潑游動,看到的時候特別興奮。今次也要感謝John 船長的引領。


Searching for whole dive, turn out they were found just under our ship. Water was cold, but we could meet the 20 bandfish cluster, worth it!

Young Bandfishes are fearless, they dont know what is danger. Even divers observe them closely, they still happily swim around their holes.

When May comes, we cannot find them anymore, but only in videos. Hope we can meet them again next year.



Acanthocepola indica 牠們會在沙泥質的海床挖掘洞穴,藏身其中等待捕食,深至 100 米也有機會看到牠們。

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